Skip to main contentGoogle Fiber Residential Terms of Service
Last modified: 2023-06-22 (view archived versions)Please read these terms carefully. They require the use of binding arbitration to resolve disputes rather than jury trials or class actions. Please follow the instructions in the Disputes section below if you wish to opt out of this provision.Welcome to Google Fiber
Thanks for using Google Fiber’s products, equipment and services (“Services”). GFiber and Google Fiber are the brands through which we bring you the Services. Google Fiber Internet products and services (“Internet Services”) are provided by Google Fiber Inc., located at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States, or one of its subsidiaries (Google Fiber Inc. and its subsidiaries are referred to below as “Google Fiber”). Google Fiber Phone products and services (“Phone Services”) are provided by Google Fiber North America Inc., also located at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States, a wholly owned subsidiary of Google Fiber Inc.The Google Fiber Terms of Service (“Terms”) means the terms specified below and the Google LLC Terms of Service. Any references to “Google” and “Services” in the Google LLC Terms of Service mean Google Fiber Inc. and the Google Fiber Services. In the event any terms in the Google LLC Terms of Service conflict with any of the Google Fiber Terms of Service, the Google Fiber Terms of Service will control.By agreeing to the Terms, you represent that you are at least eighteen years old and capable of entering into a legally binding agreement on behalf of yourself and others in your residence who may use the Services.By signing up for or using the Services, you agree to these Terms. By signing up for the Phone Services, you also agree to the Additional Terms for Google Fiber Phone Customers.Communicating Electronically with Google Fiber
We may be required to provide certain disclosures, notices and communications (collectively “Communications”) to you in written form. We will deliver such Communications to you in electronic form. Your agreement to these Terms confirms your ability and consent to receive such Communications electronically.You consent to receive electronically all Communications that we may provide you in connection with your Google Fiber account and your use of the Services. Communications include:- agreements and policies related to the Services, including updates to those agreements and policies;
- payment authorizations and transaction receipts or confirmations;
- questionnaires and marketing materials relating to Google Fiber products and services or those of our affiliates;
- account statements and history; and
- all other communications or documents related to or about your account, your purchases, changes to the Services or the rates and fees we charge in connection with the Services, and your use of the Services.
Communications will be considered to be received by you upon delivery in any of the following manners:- posting them to your online account;
- posting them on or in the Google Fiber Website;
- emailing them to the email address associated with your account;
- communicating them to you via text message;
- communicating them to you via a mobile application; or
- otherwise communicating them to you via the Services.
To access and retain electronic Communications, you will need to maintain or have access to the following computer hardware and software at your own expense:- a computer or mobile device with internet or mobile connectivity;
- a current web browser that includes 128-bit encryption with cookies enabled;
- software capable of opening PDF documents;
- access to the valid email address associated with your Google Fiber account;
- access to the valid email address you used to create your Google Fiber and Google Payments account registrations; and
- sufficient storage space to save Communications or a printer to print them.
By consenting to these Terms, you confirm that you are able to meet the above requirements, that you will update the valid email address associated with your Google Fiber account if your email address changes, and that you can receive, open, and print or save any Communications for your records. You should maintain copies of electronic Communications by printing paper copies or saving electronic copies, as applicable. Also, you may contact Google Fiber to request another electronic copy of a Communication. We reserve the right to terminate your use of the Services if you decline or withdraw consent to receive electronic Communications, except that you may decline to receive telephone calls and text messages without having your service terminated, as set out in the following section.Consent to Receive Telephone Calls and Text Messages from Google Fiber and Its Affiliates
On occasion, Google Fiber or its affiliates may seek to contact you by telephone or SMS text message at the landline and/or wireless phone numbers that you have provided to us. These communications may be about your Google Fiber account, responses to inquiries that you have made to us, or for other purposes, including marketing messages about other goods or services provided by Google Fiber or its affiliates. These calls or SMS text messages may be sent using an automatic telephone dialing system and may include the use of prerecorded or artificial voices. Please note that you may be responsible for any charges from your telephone provider for these calls or SMS text messages.If you do not wish to receive these optional calls and SMS text messages, you do not have to do so. Your consent to receiving these calls and SMS text messages is not required in order to purchase or receive any Google Fiber Services. To revoke your consent to receive telephone calls and SMS text messages, please let us know. The easiest way is by changing your settings in your Google Fiber account, or by calling our customer service team at 1-866-777-7550.On-Demand Text MessagesOn occasion, Google Fiber or its affiliates may respond to inquiries that you have made to us by calling or texting the phone number(s) that you have provided to us, using automated means.SMS Short Code Terms and Conditions for Short Code Text MessagesYou may also opt-in to receiving other text messages (SMS or MMS) from us or a service provider that we use to send text messages on our behalf. Unless we tell you otherwise when you sign up, these messages will relate to your Google Fiber services and equipment. We may also ask for your permission to send you text messages containing special offers, promotions, and information about products and services offered by Google Fiber and its affiliates at the phone number(s) that you have provided to us. Your consent is not required in order to purchase or receive any Google Fiber services. When you opt-in to SMS messages, we will send you an SMS message to confirm your signup.You can cancel the SMS service at any time by texting “STOP” to GFIBER (434237). When you send the SMS message “STOP” to us, we reply with an SMS message that confirms that you have been unsubscribed. After this, you won’t receive any additional SMS messages from us. If you want to join again, sign up as you did the first time and text “START” to 434237, and we will start sending SMS messages to you again. If at any time you forget what keywords are supported, just text “HELP” to 434237. After you send the message “HELP” to us, we will respond with instructions on how to use our service as well as how to unsubscribe.Carriers are not liable for delayed or undelivered messages. Message and data rates may apply for any messages sent to you from us and to us from you. Message frequency varies. Contact your wireless provider for more information about your text plan or data plan. If you have questions about the services provided by this short code, email us at Google Fiber Support. If you have any questions regarding privacy, read our privacy policy at Google Fiber Privacy NoticeEligibility for Google Fiber Services
You may apply for Google Fiber Services online at Although we hope to make Google Fiber available to as many people as possible as quickly as we can, Google Fiber reserves the right to determine whether any Services are made available to a particular address.If Google Fiber determines that the address at which you receive Services is not a residential address, Google Fiber may require you to transition to another type of account in order to continue receiving the Services. This transition may include an increase in any fee for the Services.Rules for Eligibility
If you sign up for a Google Fiber Service that has specific eligibility requirements, as indicated at the time of sign-up, you must provide documentation to verify that you meet the eligibility requirements for that particular product or service, when requested at any time by Google Fiber or agents on Google Fiber’s behalf. You also agree to notify Google Fiber within thirty (30) days if your circumstances change such that you no longer meet the eligibility requirements. Google Fiber may perform background checks using third party sources to verify your eligibility for a Google Fiber Service that has specific eligibility requirements. Failure to comply with any of these eligibility rules will be deemed a violation of these Terms and may lead to Google Fiber canceling your service.Google Fiber Installation
You agree to provide Google Fiber with all necessary access to the premises at the address where you sign up for Services to be installed (referred to as “your residence” below) so that the equipment necessary for you to receive the Services may be installed and configured, maintained, or repaired. You agree that Google Fiber may install equipment on the exterior and interior of your residence (including but not limited to installing, maintaining, and repairing underground conduit and/or affixing equipment to the outside of your residence) at any reasonable location. You agree that Google Fiber may take photographs of the equipment installed by or on behalf of Google Fiber on the exterior or interior of your residence for quality control purposes. You also agree that Google Fiber may use, and that you have the necessary permissions to approve Google Fiber’s use of, existing facilities, including existing wiring in and around your residence, to complete the installation services.If you rent or otherwise do not own your residence, you represent and warrant that you are authorized by the property owner to order Google Fiber installation, and you acknowledge that you may be asked to provide written evidence that you have received all permissions necessary to authorize the performance of installation, maintenance, and repair services. If Google Fiber incurs any costs or losses, including attorneys’ fees, because you did not get the necessary permission(s) to authorize the installation, maintenance, or repair of the equipment required for the Services, you are responsible for reimbursing Google Fiber for those costs or losses.Acceptance of these Terms does not guarantee that Google Fiber will install or provide any Services. We may need a separate agreement with you or your landlord in order to install the Services.West Des Moines, Iowa Customers. If your residence is located in West Des Moines, Iowa, you also hereby grant to the City of West Des Moines all necessary access to your residence so that the equipment necessary for you to receive the Services may be installed and configured, maintained, or repaired. You agree that the City of West Des Moines may install equipment on the exterior of your residence (including but not limited to installing, maintaining, and repairing underground conduit and/or affixing equipment to the outside of your residence) at any reasonable location. For the City of West Des Moines’ detailed terms see Acceptance of these Terms does not guarantee that the City of West Des Moines will install underground conduit serving your residence.Google Fiber Equipment
Google Fiber may provide or rent various pieces of equipment to you in connection with the Services. In some cases, to use the provided equipment, you will need to review and agree to terms of service governing use of the equipment. If you lose or damage this equipment after installation, Google Fiber may charge you a fee for replacement equipment (see Fee Schedule). Equipment fees are subject to change.Unless explicitly stated otherwise on our website, Google Fiber owns all equipment provided by Google Fiber in connection with the Services. From time to time, Google Fiber may offer you equipment that you may purchase in connection with the Services under separate terms to be provided with such equipment.You authorize Google Fiber to install software upgrades on any equipment provided by Google Fiber. You also agree not to use the Google Fiber-owned equipment for any purpose other than using the Services.Other Fees
The Services may be subject to additional fees (see Fee Schedule).Using Your Own Network Router
We may provide you with a router or you can use your own router. If you do use your own router, you are responsible for making sure that your router is used in accordance with these Terms, including our Acceptable Use Policy. Although we hope to make the Services compatible with as many network routers as possible, we cannot guarantee that your router will work with the Services. We suggest that you use your own router only if you’re comfortable managing it on your own, since we won’t be able to help you troubleshoot it.Internet Battery Backup
Internet Services require electricity to operate. If there is a power outage, you will not be able to access the internet, unless you have battery backup power for your Internet Services. You are solely responsible for obtaining Internet battery backup capabilities, and we will not be liable for the failure of your Services during a power outage, including failure due to the lack or nonperformance of battery backup power. We will not provide support for, or be responsible for, ongoing maintenance or management of any battery backup equipment you purchase from another provider. Please see [here] for more information about Google Fiber Internet Battery Backup, including important safety information.Using Google Fiber Services
You agree not to misuse the Services, which includes using the Services for purposes that are illegal, are improper, infringe the rights of others, or adversely impact others’ enjoyment of the Services. Examples of misuses and prohibited activities are set forth in our Acceptable Use Policy for Residential Customers, which is incorporated into these Terms. You are responsible for all activity on the Services, whether such activity is undertaken by you or someone else.If you are using the Services in a residence or other location you do not own or control (such as a hospital, hotel, etc.), you may have agreements related to the Services with property owners, managers, or other third parties outside these Terms; Google Fiber is not a party to such agreements and therefore is not responsible for nor bound by such agreements.Resale and Redistribution
The Services are intended for the personal use of you and other occupants and guests within your residence. You agree not to resell or repackage the Services or otherwise make them available to anyone outside of your residence.Security
Google Fiber makes an effort to keep its network secure, but no network security is perfect. While Google Fiber may provide technical assistance to you, you are responsible for implementing appropriate security measures when using the Services, including taking whatever steps are necessary to ensure that your data is not accessed by unauthorized third parties. Google Fiber is not responsible for any damages to users of the Services that may be caused by unauthorized third parties.Privacy
Google Fiber takes your privacy seriously. You understand and agree that information provided to and collected by Google Fiber in connection with the Services is subject to the Google Privacy Policy and the Google Fiber Privacy Notice. You can learn more about Google Fiber’s collection and use of Google Fiber customer data here.Billing and Payment
You agree to pay any and all applicable fees for the Services you purchase, whether ordered by you, someone authorized by you or someone with access to the Services pursuant to your Google Fiber account.Google Fiber will send all bills and other required notices by email to the address associated with your account. You may also access this information through your online Google Fiber account. You agree to pay recurring monthly service fees in advance of the billing cycle in which you will receive the Services. Google Fiber will bill one-time charges in the billing cycle following your authorization of such charges.You authorize Google Fiber to automatically collect payments of any and all fees associated with your use of the Services from your designated payment method. Google Fiber will email a bill to the email address associated with your account. The email will indicate the date the amount you owe will be collected via your designated payment method (which may be the same date your bill is sent if permitted by applicable laws). If payment is not received due to insufficient funds or for any other reason, Google Fiber may, consistent with applicable laws, assess late payment fees and/or suspend or terminate the Services if payment is more than thirty (30) days past due. If you request that Google Fiber reinstate any suspended or terminated Services, Google Fiber may charge you a reconnection fee. You agree that Google Fiber is not responsible for any third party charges you may incur in connection with your Google Payments account, credit card or other payment method.You may need to utilize Google Payments for certain payment transactions related to the Services. Your use of Google Payments is subject to the Google Payments Terms of Service and Google Payments Privacy Notice, which you must accept before using Google Payments services.Changing and Canceling Services; Termination
You may change or cancel the Services at any time, but you may be required to return some or all of the equipment. If you do not return this equipment, you may be required to pay a replacement fee.When you change your Service by upgrading or downgrading your package, the fees will be prorated based upon the date that your Service changes.If you request cancellation of all your Services, your Services will be available until the cancellation date you select. Once your service is disconnected, a credit for the remaining portion of the current billing cycle will be applied towards any remaining balance. Your Google Fiber account will not be terminated until all billing obligations are resolved. If there is a credit balance at the time your account is terminated, it will be refunded to the last used payment method in your Google Fiber account.If your Services included free or paid-for subscriptions to services other than those provided by Google Fiber (for example, Google Drive), Google Fiber will stop covering the costs of those services at the time your account is terminated or suspended. It will be up to you to work with the provider of those services to determine whether you wish to continue subscribing to those services and how you will pay for them.Google Fiber reserves the right to terminate some or all of the Services it provides to you at any time, in its sole discretion without notice.Commitment to Online Safety
Google Fiber is committed to online safety for minors, and Google Fiber complies with all applicable laws related to protecting minors online. This includes reporting cases of child abuse or exploitation to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. You can access additional information about minors’ online safety by visiting or Google LLC’s Family Safety Center.Network Management
We use various network management techniques to protect our network, systems, equipment, services and users from harm, ensure reliable, quality services to our users, and improve our services. Please see the Network Management Guide for Google Fiber Internet Services for more information.Our Warranties and Disclaimers
We respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement and terminate accounts of repeat infringers according to the process set out in the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If you think somebody is violating your copyrights and want to notify us, you can find information about submitting notices here.Businesses
If you wish to subscribe to any Services on behalf of a business, please visit Google Fiber Business for more information. Additional terms of service apply to use of the Services by a business.Disputes
PLEASE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW IF YOU WISH TO OPT OUT OF THE PROVISIONS REQUIRING YOU TO RESOLVE DISPUTES THROUGH INDIVIDUAL ARBITRATION.Arbitration. Google Fiber and you agree to arbitrate all disputes and claims that arise from or relate to these Terms or the Services, except for claims arising from bodily injury. This agreement to arbitrate is intended to be broadly interpreted, including, for example:- claims arising under any legal theory;
- claims for mental or emotional distress or other emotional/mental injury arising from the relationship between us;
- claims that arose before you accepted these Terms (such as claims related to disclosures or the marketing of the Services);
- claims that may arise after the termination of your use of the Services or any agreement between us; and
- claims brought by or against our respective subsidiaries, parent companies (including Google LLC whether or not it is a parent company at the time of the dispute), members, as well as the respective officers, directors, employees, agents, predecessors, successors, and assigns of these entities, you, and Google Fiber.
This arbitration agreement does not preclude either you or Google Fiber from bringing an individualized action in small claims court. It also does not preclude either of us from seeking an individualized preliminary injunction or temporary restraining order, pending arbitration, in any court that has jurisdiction. Nor does this arbitration agreement bar you from bringing issues to the attention of federal, state, or local agencies. Such agencies can, if the law allows, seek relief against Google Fiber on your behalf.You agree that, by entering into this agreement, we are each waiving the right to a trial in a court or to participate in a class or representative action. The Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of this arbitration provision.Notice of disputes. If either of us intends to seek arbitration of a dispute, that party must provide the other with notice in writing. The notice to Google Fiber should be sent to Google Fiber’s agent for service of process, Corporation Service Company (“CSC”), at the following address (“Google Fiber Notice Address”):Google Fiber Inc. c/o Corporation Service Company2710 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 150NSacramento, CA 95833(If you instead would like to provide notice to Google Fiber through CSC outside of California, you may be able to find other addresses for CSC by searching for “Google Fiber” on the website of the Secretary of State for other states.) Google Fiber will send notice to you at the email and mailing addresses associated with your account. Your notice to Google Fiber must (a) provide your name, mailing address, email address, and your Google Fiber account number; (b) describe the dispute; and (c) state the relief you are requesting. If we are unable to reach an agreement to resolve the dispute within 60 days after the notice is received, you or we may commence arbitration. Unless we agree otherwise, your demand for arbitration should be sent to Google Fiber at the Google Fiber Notice Address above (or through the alternative CSC address as indicated above).Arbitration procedures. The arbitration will be governed by the Consumer Arbitration Rules ("AAA Rules") of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA"), as modified by these Terms, and will be administered by the AAA. The AAA Rules are available online at If the AAA is unavailable, the parties shall agree to another arbitration provider or the court shall appoint a substitute. Unless we agree otherwise, any arbitration hearings will take place in the county (or parish) of your residence (or principal place of business if you are a small business). If the value of your claim is $10,000 or less, we agree that you may choose whether the arbitration will be conducted solely on the basis of documents submitted to the arbitrator, by telephone, or by an in-person hearing. If the value of your claim exceeds $10,000, the right to a hearing will be determined by the AAA Rules. Regardless of the manner in which the arbitration is conducted, the arbitrator shall issue a reasoned written decision sufficient to explain the essential findings and conclusions on which the award is based. All issues are for the arbitrator to decide, except that issues relating to the scope and enforceability of this arbitration provision or the arbitrability of disputes are for the court to decide. The arbitrator may consider but is not bound by rulings in other arbitrations between Google Fiber and Google Fiber residential customers. The arbitrator can award the same individualized damages and relief that a court can award. Judgment on the award may be entered by any court having jurisdiction.Costs of arbitration. The AAA’s fee schedule is subject to change and may be found in the AAA Rules (available online at Google Fiber will pay all AAA filing, administrative, and arbitrator fees for any arbitration that Google commences. If you provided Google Fiber with 30 days’ notice of your intent to arbitrate before commencing arbitration and the value of your claim is $75,000 or less, Google Fiber will pay your share of any such AAA fees. If the value of your claim is between $75,000 and $300,000, your share of any such fees will be capped at $200 (unless the law of your state requires Google Fiber to pay all such fees). And if the value of your claim exceeds $300,000, the allocation of AAA fees will be governed by the AAA Rules (unless the law of your state requires Google Fiber to pay all such fees). If, however, the arbitrator finds that either the substance of your claim or the relief sought is frivolous or brought for an improper purpose (as measured by the standards in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11(b)), then the payment of all AAA fees shall be governed by the AAA Rules. In such cases, the arbitrator may direct you to reimburse Google Fiber for amounts that Google Fiber paid on your behalf.No class arbitration. The arbitrator may award declaratory or injunctive relief only in favor of the individual party seeking relief and only to the extent necessary to provide relief warranted by that party's individual claim. YOU AND GOOGLE FIBER AGREE THAT EACH MAY BRING CLAIMS AGAINST THE OTHER ONLY IN YOUR OR ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS, REPRESENTATIVE, OR PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL PROCEEDING. Further, unless all affected parties agree otherwise, the arbitrator may not consolidate more than one person's claims, and may not otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding. If a court decides that applicable law precludes enforcement of any of this subsection’s limitations as to a particular claim for relief, then that claim (and only that claim) must be severed from the arbitration and may be brought in court.30-Day Opt-Out Period. IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO BE BOUND BY THE ARBITRATION AND CLASS-ACTION WAIVER PROVISIONS IN THIS DISPUTES SECTION, YOU MUST NOTIFY GOOGLE FIBER BY COMPLETING THIS ONLINE OPT-OUT FORM WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE DATE THAT YOU ACCEPT THESE TERMS (UNLESS A LONGER PERIOD IS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW).Future changes to arbitration provision. If Google Fiber makes any changes to this Disputes section of these Terms (other than a change to the address at which Google Fiber will receive notices of dispute), you may reject any such change by completing this online change rejection form. It is not necessary to reject a future change to this arbitration provision if you had properly opted out of this arbitration provision within the first 30 days after you accepted these Terms. By rejecting a future change, you are agreeing that you will arbitrate any dispute between us in accordance with the language of this arbitration provision, as modified by any changes you did not reject.Changes To These Terms
We may modify these Terms to, for example, reflect changes to the law or changes to our Services. You should look at the Terms regularly. We’ll post notice of modifications to these terms on this page by indicating the date the Terms are last modified. Changes will not apply retroactively and will become effective no sooner than fourteen days after they are posted. However, changes addressing new functions for a Service, changes regarding the launch of a new Service, or changes made for legal reasons will be effective immediately. If you do not agree to the modified terms for a Service, you should discontinue your use of that Service and contact us to change or terminate your Services.Additional Terms for Google Fiber Phone Customers
These additional terms apply to your use of the Phone Services. You must subscribe to Google Fiber Internet Services to receive the Phone Services, and if you sign up for or use Phone Services, you agree that these Terms apply in their entirety to your use of the Phone Services.You also agree that if you allow others to access or use the Phone Services, you will be responsible for all activity on the Phone Services, whether such activity is undertaken by you or someone else.Agreement to Google Voice Terms
By signing up for or using the Phone Services, you also agree to be bound by the terms of the Google Voice Additional Terms of Service, Google Voice Acceptable Use Policy, and How Google Voice works as they apply to your use of the Phone Services.Voice over IP
Google Fiber Phone Services on your home phone operate on a Voice over IP (VoIP) protocol, which transmits and receives communications over the public internet. That means that your Google Fiber Phone Services will not work on your home phone if you do not have a connection to the internet. For example, if you are speaking on your home phone and reboot your Network Box, your phone call will be interrupted.Important Information about 911 and Emergency Alerts
Calling 911. Calls to 911 over a broadband or data connection operate differently than traditional wireline calls to 911. Calls to 911 over broadband or data may not connect to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) or may improperly ring to the administrative line of the PSAP, which may not be staffed after hours, or by trained 911 operators. If your call connects to a PSAP, your address and phone number may not be transmitted, and you may need to provide your location and other information to the PSAP. Calls to 911 may be limited or unavailable if you are experiencing a power outage or if you are otherwise unable to access the internet. If you would like to print a warning label for your device about the limitations of this service, you can view and print one here.Google Voice App. If you make calls to a PSAP, including dialing 911, using the Google Voice app on your mobile phone, your call will be routed through your cellular provider, if any. When making 911 calls from a mobile phone, you should always be prepared to provide your location and your phone number. Unlike calls from a traditional wireline phone, a PSAP may not know the emergency caller’s location or phone number. The Google Voice app on a tablet, computer, or any mobile device without a SIM card is not capable of placing or receiving emergency services calls.Accessibility. If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired and need to reach emergency services, you should call 911 directly using TTY or a telecommunications relay service. Where possible, do not rely on 711 in the event of an emergency.Multiple Devices or Phone Numbers. If you have multiple devices associated with your Google Fiber Phone number and you make an emergency call to 911, any calls back to you from the PSAP may or may not ring each of your associated devices.Please be aware that if you have multiple phone numbers set up with Google Fiber Phone and you call 911 from your home phone, the 911 operator may see a phone number that is different from your personal phone number. Generally, that will be the default number for your home phone device.Place of Use. In order to use the Phone Services, you are required to register a physical address with Google Fiber that may be used to route emergency calls and services. This address should be where you receive your Google Fiber Internet Services and the place where you expect to use the Phone Services. In addition, your Google Fiber Phone Box should remain directly connected to your active Google Fiber compatible router at your service address rather than attached to a third party router, as third party routers may affect voice quality and 911 functionality. You may reach out to customer support with questions.Do Not Disturb. Please be aware that if you enable certain features (for example, do not disturb or call blocking) and make a 911 call, the PSAP might not be able to call you back.Phone Battery Backup
Phone Services require electricity to operate. If there is a power outage, you will not be able to make or receive calls, including 911 calls, unless you have battery backup power for your Phone Services. You are solely responsible for obtaining Phone battery backup capabilities, and we will not be liable for the failure of your Phone Services during a power outage, including failure due to the lack or nonperformance of Phone battery backup power. We will not provide support for, or be responsible for, ongoing maintenance or management of any Phone battery backup equipment you purchase.You can learn more about Phone battery backup options here.International Calling
All calls between two different countries will be charged on a rate per minute basis. Calls will be rounded up to the nearest minute. The applicable rates vary per country and are subject to change at any time without notice. Current rates are available here.Telephone Numbers
When you sign up for the Phone Services, we may assign you a phone number. We can change, reassign, or eliminate your phone number, but will give you notice if we do so.You may port your phone number to another provider at any time while your Google Fiber Phone account is still active. Please be aware that, once the phone number has been ported out, you will no longer be able to use the Phone Services. Consequently, we may treat any request to transfer a phone number to another provider as a request for cancellation. We don't guarantee that any porting of numbers to or from us will be successful.If you cancel your Google Fiber Phone service without porting your phone number to another provider, your phone number will remain associated with your Google Voice account.Privacy and Phone Services
We take your privacy seriously. You understand and agree that information provided to and collected by Google Fiber Phone in connection with the Phone Services is subject to the Google Privacy Policy, the Google Fiber Privacy Notice, and How Google Voice works, which provide information about how we use your data and about your Customer Proprietary Network Information rights.When you place calls using the Phone Services, your phone number may be displayed to the person you’ve called. If you do not wish to have your phone number displayed, you may choose to block the display of your phone number by dialing *67 prior to dialing the number of the person you wish to call. Blocking your phone number information in this manner does not prevent the display of your information when you dial certain business or emergency numbers, including toll-free numbers or 911.