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August 10, 2022

What's next for Google Fiber

  • , company news

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Dinni Jain, CEO

If you’ve been following Google Fiber, you know we’ve been pretty busy lately.

We’ve been steadily building out our network in all of our cities and surrounding regions, from North Carolina to Utah. We’re connecting customers in West Des Moines - making Iowa our first new state in five years - and will soon start construction in neighboring Des Moines. And of course, we recently announced that we’ll build a network in Mesa, Arizona.

And that's just the stuff we've been talking about. For the past several years, we’ve been even busier behind the scenes, focusing on our vision of providing the best possible gigabit internet service to our customers through relentless refinements to our service delivery and products.

At no time in Google Fiber’s history has that ever been more important than today. We’re living in a world that has finally caught up to the idea that high-speed, reliable internet — at gigabit speeds — is no longer a bold idea or a “nice to have.” The experience of the last couple of years has certainly taught us that.

As communities across the country look to expand access to gigabit internet, I’m happy to say that we’re ready to grow alongside them. Our team has spent many months traveling across the country, having conversations with cities looking for the best way to get better internet to their residents and business owners as quickly as possible.

So, yeah, it’s about to get even busier at Google Fiber. We’re talking to city leaders in the following states, with the objective of bringing Google Fiber’s fiber-to-the-home service to their communities:

These states will be the main focus for our growth for the next several years, along with continued expansion in our current metro areas.

In addition, we'd also love to talk to communities that want to build their own fiber networks. We’ve seen this model work effectively in Huntsville and in West Des Moines, and we’ll continue to look for ways to support similar efforts.

We're thrilled to be expanding our geographic reach once again — bringing better internet to more people in more places. Stay tuned in the coming months as we fill in this picture with more details about our new cities, even faster speeds and redefined customer service.

Posted by Dinni Jain, CEO