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August 6, 2019

Bringing Webpass to Austin

  • , city news

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Brien Bell, Head of Webpass
When Webpass joined Google Fiber in 2016, we were excited about Webpass’s strong record of execution and growth in providing super fast, reliable Internet to residents and small businesses in densely populated areas. We knew their point-to-point wireless approach -- which provides internet speeds up to 1 gig without the need for significant construction work -- would add a powerful tool to our deployment toolkit and allow us to deliver speedy Internet to condos and apartment buildings faster than we ever could before. 

Since Webpass became part of the Google Fiber family, the Webpass team has continued to build on its success, expanding service to Seattle and Denver over the past two years and continuing to grow in existing Webpass cities. Webpass now serves tens of thousands of residents and small businesses across thousands of buildings. 

At the same time Webpass has been expanding its footprint and making it even easier for customers to get online, Google Fiber has been working to figure out how to bring Internet to customers more quickly in their cities while reducing disruption. While Webpass and Google Fiber are sister companies, our work has been separate without combining our efforts or product offerings.

Until today.

Google Fiber and Webpass are proud to announce Google Fiber Webpass, launching today in Austin:


This is the first time we’re bringing the best of both Google Fiber and Webpass together in the same city, and we’re excited to have another way to deliver super fast, reliable Internet to even more customers in Austin. We’re starting downtown and are adding new buildings to our network as quickly as possible. To help us bring Google Fiber Webpass gig service to your apartment or condo building, check out

Ready to get online right now? You can find out if service is available in your building and sign up on the Google Fiber website. We’re excited to bring Google Fiber and Webpass together in Austin and are looking forward to connecting you!

Posted by Brien Bell, Head of Webpass