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September 4, 2024

Lakewood now online! GFiber starts sign-ups today.

  • , city news

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Andy Simpson, General Manager Central Region

Colorado, here we come! Starting today, residents in the Eiber neighborhood of Lakewood can sign up to get connected to high-speed internet from GFiber to meet their families’ internet needs, whatever their online lives require. 


We’re marking the occasion with an ice cream social at The Ice Cream Farm. This afternoon many Lakewood residents braved the rain to come by and get the scoop on GFiber while enjoying some delicious frozen treats on us. 

Lakewood Mayor Wendi Strom stops by our event at The Ice Cream Farm.

Lakewood customers will be able to choose any GFiber plan — 1 Gig for $70/month, 2 Gig for $100/month, 5 Gig for $125/month or 8 Gig for $150/month —  all with symmetrical uploads and downloads and equipment and installation included at no additional cost, no annual contracts and no data caps. Local businesses can sign up for GFiber for Business, offering Business 2 Gig for $250/month or Business 1 Gig for $100/month. 

This is just the next step for GFiber in the Denver metro area. GFiber Webpass has been available in Denver since 2017. We’re continuing to build our network out across Lakewood. As new segments are complete, we’ll open service in those neighborhoods. Additionally, we’re set to start construction in Westminster soon, and actively working on design and permitting for Golden, Wheat Ridge, and additional parts of Adams County.  For the latest on our construction progress and service availability in Colorado, sign up here.

Posted by Andy Simpson, General Manager Central Manager