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August 7, 2024

GFiber is on the way Lawrence, KS

  • , city news

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Rachel Merlo, Head of Government & Community Affairs - Central Region

Google Fiber is officially coming to Lawrence, Kansas! Yesterday, the Lawrence City Commission passed an ordinance, paving the way for GFiber to bring our high-speed, reliable internet service further west in the Sunflower State.


Lawrence is a friendly, vibrant community and GFiber is looking forward to helping residents connect to everything the internet has to offer. We’re kicking off the design and engineering process now, and expect to start construction next year. We’ll work closely with the City of Lawrence to ensure that we minimize any disruption  and that we are keeping residents informed throughout this project. Service will be available to our first customers in Lawrence by the end of 2025.

Residents who want to stay up to date on what’s happening with Google Fiber in Lawrence  can sign up for updates here

Posted By Rachel Merlo, Head of Government & Community Affairs - Central Region