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October 12, 2023

Is your internet “high fiber”? Nutrition labels can make it clear

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Ariane Schaffer, Government Affairs & Public Policy Manager

If you've ever signed up for internet service and honestly not been sure what is included in the price, you're not alone. So the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is doing something about it.

There’s been a lot of talk about the FCC’s Broadband Consumer Labels. These “nutrition labels” are designed to make it easy for customers to understand what they are paying for and what they are getting when it comes to their internet service from any provider. We think it’s a great idea, and we didn’t think that Google Fiber customers should have to wait for that clarity. As of today, GFiber is launching nutrition labels for our residential 1 Gig, 2 Gig, 5 Gig, and 8 Gig products — some of the first to roll out anywhere.


As you can see, the labels clearly show customers what they can expect when it comes to speed, price, and any fees that might apply, along with information regarding data caps and contracts (no caps or annual contracts here as you can see).

GFiber has always strived to provide clear pricing and value ($70 for a Gig since day one with equipment and installation included and no data caps or annual contracts), along with transparent billing for our customers, and we believe that these nutrition labels will further aid in that effort. For too long, our industry has hidden behind fees and pricing tactics that made it difficult for people to truly compare their internet options. Labels like these allow customers to understand what they are paying and what’s included — and what’s not — in that price. 

GFiber will update these labels to reflect the FCC's guidelines by the 2024 deadline. We believe that internet should be simple and straightforward — and as our new labels show, at GFiber it clearly is. For more information, please check out our Broadband Labels page.

Posted by Ariane Schaffer, Government Affairs & Public Policy Manager.