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October 30, 2023

Google Fiber officially names Rocco Laurenzano Chief Operating Officer

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The GFiber Team

Google Fiber is proud to announce Rocco Laurenzano as Chief Operating Officer. In his five and a half years with GFiber, Rocco’s leadership has been instrumental in establishing the operational excellence that has set the stage for our current expansion and growth. Rocco has been serving in the role unofficially for some time now. In his role as Vice President of Operations, he was already overseeing expansion, build, customer operations, and project management.


The results of these efforts have fueled GFiber’s incredible growth over the past few years — creating a construction organization that has almost tripled build volume over the last four years and increased our service footprint by almost 2x over the same period. A key architect of the company’s expansion strategy, Rocco has led our expansion to new states and more fully building out our existing cities. He’ll continue to lead all of these efforts in his new role as COO.

Prior to joining GFiber, Rocco served in senior operations leadership roles at Altice USA, Time Warner Cable, Charter Communications, and Insight Communications. 

Rocco with his leadership team

“I’ve had the privilege and pleasure of working with Rocco over many years and in many capacities,” said Dinni Jain, CEO. “What he brings to any team is operational excellence, balanced with a clear appreciation for the people he works with, and the understanding of how to create a culture of accountability and constant improvement with a strong foundation of trust. This is truly a case of the right leader at the right time for a company.”

Posted by the GFiber Team