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November 1, 2022

Rocky Mountain High

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Sasha Petrovic, Southwest Region General Manager

Next up, Lakewood, Colorado! 

It’s official. Google Fiber is coming to Lakewood, Colorado. It's not our first foray in the Rocky Mountain state, in fact we've served customers with Google Fiber Webpass in the Denver area since 2017, but it is our first service in Lakewood through our first fiber-to-the-home network in the state. 


Residents in Lakewood have been asking for more competition and options for internet service. We are grateful to the City for working with us on a non-exclusive right-of-way use agreement that enables us to deploy the network efficiently.  

Right now, we’re getting to work on detailed engineering designs, with construction beginning in 2023.  Google Fiber is fast, but network construction is … well, we’ll go as fast as we can, while prioritizing safety and minimizing disruption to traffic and to neighborhoods. Local residents who want more information on service availability or the construction process can sign up for updates.

Lakewood, Colorado, here we come!

Posted by Sasha Petrovic, Southwest Region General Manager