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October 26, 2021

Meet the 2 Gig Gamers

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Talia Bootz, Google Fiber Creative and Social Content Manager

As a gamer (a new gamer, but a gamer nonetheless), I know how having a strong internet connection matters to every aspect of gaming. From waiting for an update to download, to playing in a battle royale with friends, to live streaming gameplay, even the seemingly smallest details of your internet connection are critical to playing your best. So, when I got a chance to talk to some Google Fiber customers for our latest campaign, I knew we could trust gamers to highlight what matters with their internet. 

We reached out to gamers, streamers, and game developers on social media who were already using Google Fiber 1 Gig. Then, we hooked them up with Google Fiber 2 Gig and a year free of service to share their insights and experiences gaming over our fastest internet plan.

That’s how we met Jordan, a gamer, streamer, and professional goofball (his words) who lives in Kansas City, MO. And Morgan, a gamer, streamer, makeup artist, and plant mom who lives in Charlotte, NC. And Pathra, a gamer, streamer, and dog mom who lives in Atlanta, GA. And Kartik, a game developer, gamer, and home cook who lives in Atlanta, GA. (And a bunch of other fantastic gamers in all of our cities that we wish we could ALSO have a camera crew follow around.)

All of them were excited to share their experience having Google Fiber as their internet company — because having fast, reliable internet makes a tangible difference in their professional and personal lives. So yes, gamers are internet connoisseurs. But they’re also diverse, multi-faceted, and have incredible stories to tell, even beyond gaming. We hope you’ll enjoy hearing from them as much as we did.

Jordan and Kartik’s stories are now live on YouTube, and keep an eye out over the next few weeks to learn more about Morgan and Pathra. Follow us on social media (YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) for updates on when these go live.

Posted by Talia Bootz, Google Fiber Creative and Social Content Manager