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December 4, 2019

All in on a Gig

  • , product news
When we set out to change the Internet, we did so focused on one very core concept: speed. We were tired of settling for subpar speeds, delivered over out-of-date networks that weren’t keeping up with the changing technological world.

So we decided to do something different. We started building fiber networks, from scratch, that allowed customers to access some of the first residential gigabit speeds in the United States.

We were obsessed. Some said we were foolish. (Though we prefer ahead of our time.)

Who needs a gigabit (1,000 mbps), they asked, when the average U.S. Internet speed at the time was crawling in single digits for both uploads and downloads?

Now, seven years later, we’ve seen a huge shift, not only in Internet speeds, but also in how we use the Internet. Customers have caught on to our early vision, and other Internet service providers have tried to catch up. With increasingly connected homes and ever-improving technologies, speed is more important than any time in our history — and becoming more important every day. And with our fiber networks, we’re uniquely positioned to deliver it.

So, starting today, we’re recommitting to our roots. We’re going all in on a gig, just like we did all those years ago. We will no longer offer a 100 mbps plan to new customers.

We are excited to turn our attention back to our gig service, still offered for $70/month — the exact same price it cost back in 2012 when we first launched. Backed by the power of a gig, our customers are able to fully enjoy the endless opportunities the Internet presents.

And even if you don’t think you need a gig now, we think you will in the very near future: Internet usage in U.S. households is growing exponentially. With a gig, we’ll give you plenty of room to grow.

Of course, we know that much of that growth is coming from the number of connected devices in your home, doubling every year, and so many more activities, like gaming and sharing and watching videos online. Streaming, or “over the top” TV viewing, requires bandwidth. A lot of it.

As we continue to look for new ways for Fiber customers to harness gigabit speeds, we’re excited to announce a new partnership that allows you to do just that: starting tomorrow, Fiber customers can sign up for YouTube TV at the same time they sign up for Google Fiber.

When you pair Google Fiber with your YouTube TV service, you have the best of both worlds: watch 70+ channels of live sports, breaking news, and must-see shows and movies on all of your devices. Record your favorite shows with free unlimited DVR space, and get six individual accounts for the home.

And because we’re Google Fiber, you won’t have any data caps to interrupt even the most impressive binge-watching session. And with the power of a gig, you’re able to use all your connected devices at home at the same time.