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December 23, 2019

The Night Before Gigmas

  • , company news
Twas the night before Christmas (and Hanukkah and Kwanzaa) in every house,
Not a creature was scrolling on trackpad or mouse.
The router was blinking with lights all in green,
With hope that movies would soon be on multiple screens.
The gamers and streamers were snug in their beds,
While visions of unlimited data ran through their heads.

And Google Fiber in 11 cities and Webpass in nine,
Had customer service reps waiting online.
And throughout the Internet on sites far and wide,
New posts, videos, and tweets were populating across the divide. 
And before the calendar rolls to a new decade
There are tons of new multiplayer games to be played.

And gifts of all sizes that use your wifi (phones, computers, and TVs in 4k) 
Want the experience of a gig, and the speed it provides:
Uploads, downloads, an AR sleigh ride
Or something more practical, like video chat
With nary a glitch — how about that?

So before you power down for the rest of the night,
Check your passwords once more and log off every site.
Google Fiber wishes you some much needed holiday cheer,
And a wonderful, very connected, and truly fast new year!