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October 31, 2017

Boo! A Very Fiber Halloween

  • , meet the fiber team

Halloween has always been special at Google -- from our early days, Googleween celebrations were the stuff of legend. At Google Fiber, we continue that tradition -- and help to bring the spirit of the holiday to our Fiber cities, as well. From office decorating to trunk or treating in our communities, Google Fiber teams scared up some surprises and celebrated together this Halloween.

Check out some photos from our Halloween activities around the country (and be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom for another proud Google tradition - Dooglers!).

Team KC brings the hot dogs, flying squirrels, and more!

Salt Lake City embraces their inner Harry Potter.
Team Charlotte brings the bacon, unicorns, and more!

Team Nashville and families - Taylor Swift, Malificent, and the Brawny man -- oh my!
Raleigh Durham mixes it up!

Rockford Peaches in Charlotte