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September 16, 2015

Meet the Google Fiber Academy

  • , meet the fiber team

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Posted by Alana Karen, Director, Google Fiber Customer Service
Three years ago, I laid out a vision for how customer service would be different with Google Fiber. We wanted people to expect friendly representatives, quick answers, and experiences that show they’re valued. We’ve worked hard to rise to this challenge—visitors at our service centers are helped in under one minute on average, while call center hold times are just 33 seconds on average. As Google Fiber grows, our mission is to keep our customer service standards high across all of our Fiber cities.

Today, we’re introducing the Google Fiber Academy, a brand new training facility based in Metro Atlanta. Google Fiber vendors will send in-home installers from around the country to the Academy to take courses including how to provide high quality customer service, the best techniques for installing Google Fiber, and the most helpful ways to demo our product for customers.


Google Fiber’s customer service is based on one simple principle—treat people with respect. That means showing up on time for appointments, which installers working with Google Fiber do 96% of the time. It means taking care of people’s homes, like planting new grass seed after digging, when needed. And it means never treating people like a number. Take, for example, the contractor who found a customer’s lost puppies and watched them until the owner returned.

Google Fiber is shaping people’s expectations—they’re demanding faster Internet at more affordable prices. My hope is to have this same impact on customer service. We’ve had the opportunity to build our customer service experience from the ground up. Now, the Fiber Academy will enable us to exceed your expectations as we grow.