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August 8, 2012

An Introduction to Google Fiber Customer Service

  • , meet the fiber team
As Director of Service Delivery for Google Fiber (a.k.a Customer Service), I’ve been thinking a lot about you, Kansas City. I joined the Fiber team last September after almost 10 years in sales & operations at Google because I wanted to treat you better. Sure, I was excited to improve support in a historically service-challenged industry. But most of all I was excited to transform your day, especially when something needs fixing. From sign-up through payment and installation, customer support can be better. Much better.
I bet I know what bothers you because it bugs me too. I don’t want to wait on hold. I don’t want to talk to a phone system. I want to talk to one human who knows the answer and can solve my problem quickly. I also want good chat and email options for the times when I can’t talk. When you come to my house, I want you to respect my time and property. And please give me an option of somewhere local where I can talk to you face-to-face. Respect me, and I’ll reward you with my business for years to come.
Day by day, we’ve been making this possible. I hired a great team—a close-knit combination of Google Fiber team members spread across Mountain View, Austin and Kansas City. These are all people who have something to prove; we want to solve problems and change your mind about customer support. We’re training our whole team on friendly processes and smart tools, so that any one of us can handle almost any call. We’re also focused on getting your installation right by showing up when we say we will and doing the job right the first time. We want to surprise you (in a good way).
Right now we’re focused on answering your rally questions, particularly for those of you in fiberhoods whose addresses are not yet recognized by our system. We know resolution there has been slow, and we’re speeding that up. Keep the feedback coming, and we’ll keep learning and improving.
I won’t lie—customer service is hard to do at scale and harder to do with a new product. But hard isn’t impossible, and really, it’s our job. No excuses here. Call us, email or chat; we can’t wait to hear from you.
